
Beplay靠谱 A&B Marketing

At A&B市场部,我们明白干净、清新的水对于健康的生活方式是必不可少的. That’s why we proudly partner with RainSoft, a leader in water purification systems, 为您在佛罗里达州的家带来最优质的饮用水解决方案.

用优质净化器将您的厨房水龙头变成美味饮用水的喷泉 RainSoft A&B Marketing

想象一下,你的杯子里装满了晶莹剔透的水, tastes amazing, and is free from impurities.  With a RainSoft water purification system, that dream becomes a reality. 我们提供一系列的解决方案,以满足您的特定需求和预算, 所以你终于可以和氯的味道和气味说再见了, sediment, and other contaminants

我们的专家团队将与您一起评估您的水质,并为您的家庭推荐理想的雨软系统.  我们致力于提供卓越的客户服务和持续的支持, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

  • Enjoy Fresh, Pure-Tasting Water: 消除氯和其他杂质的难闻味道和气味, revealing the natural flavor of your water.
  • Experience Healthier Water: 减少影响健康的污染物,为您和您的家人提供安心.
  • Protect Your Appliances: Hard water can damage your appliances over time. RainSoft软水器有助于防止水垢积聚,延长家电的使用寿命.
  • Reduce Waste: 减少瓶装水的使用,因为瓶装水既昂贵又会造成环境浪费.


Person getting a glass of tap water
Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Ultrefiner II

Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Hydrefiner II

超细II -一个多级饮用水净化器来自行业领导者雨软

RainSoft Ultrefiner II是一款最先进的饮用水净化器,可提供卓越的效果. 这种多级系统可以去除各种污染物,包括:

  • 氯、氯胺和其他引起味道/气味的物质
  • Sediment, rust, and other particulates
  • Heavy metals, including lead and mercury
  • Bacteria and other microorganisms
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Ultrefiner II具有时尚的设计和易于使用的控制, making it a convenient addition to your kitchen.

Enjoy Healthier Water at Home


RainSoft is a trusted name in water purification, 在提供创新解决方案方面有着悠久的历史. 以下是为什么你应该为你的家选择RainSoft:

Unmatched Quality: RainSoft系统采用耐用的材料和先进的技术,以确保持久的性能和可靠的结果.

Customized Solutions: 我们的专家团队将与您合作,找到完美的系统,以满足您的具体需求和预算.

Exceptional Service: 我们在整个过程中提供个性化的支持和指导, 从初步咨询到持续维护.

Proven Results: RainSoft在提供纯净产品方面有着良好的记录, 为全球满意的客户提供美味的水.



A RainSoft system offers numerous benefits, including improved water taste and odor, reduced contaminants for healthier water, protection for your appliances, and reduced reliance on bottled water.

过滤器更换间隔取决于具体型号和您的用水量. 我们的团队将为您提供个性化的建议,并安排定期维护预约,以获得最佳性能.

Contact Us

准备好体验纯净水给你生活带来的不同吧? Contact A&B Marketing today to schedule a free consultation.  让我们帮你把你的厨房水龙头变成一个纯净的提神泉!  Call us at (954) 671-0051.


Enjoy Healthier Water at Home


Know Your Water
Air Purifier

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Water Treatment

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Water Conditioning

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Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Schedule Your Free Water Analysis

Get a free in-home consultation with a RainSoft water conditioning expert.

What’s in your water? A RainSoft 测试是解决用水问题的第一步. 我们会派一位水处理专家到你家检测自来水, explain the results, 并推荐最佳解决方案,以满足您的具体需求.

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